Working with freelancers

How do you choose the right freelancer?

How do you Choose the Right Freelancer?
Andy Stone
Andy Stone
November 3, 2020
Reading time

With the most elite creative and tech freelancers on YJ, how do you ensure you’re choosing the right one?

With pressure to move quickly to secure the right freelancer, we have pulled some tips together to help you shortlist the best possible talent.

Is your brief up to scratch?

To help attract the right freelancer, you need to ensure that you have the best brief. With competition for the best talent so high, and with the world moving towards freelance working, your brief needs to be accurate and eye-catching. Check out our guide to writing the best brief.

Does the freelancer have the right experience?

Understand the most important aspects of the brief and the end goal, so you can help identify the right skills and experience in the freelancer. If you’re looking to create social media assets, hiring a Social Media Manager may not be the right freelancer if they have no design experience. Profiles are great but can be overwhelming, so you need to understand the specifics of your brief to help identify the right candidate.

Freelancers may not include all of their experience on their work history, so review their YunoJuno bio. Does the freelancer have any relevant qualifications or awards that help them stand out from other freelancers, as  they may help them bring something different to your project.

Where possible, look for freelancers who have worked on projects similar to the one you’re hiring for. Someone with experience and expertise has a better chance of nailing it on the first attempt.

What collaboration tools do you use?

If you use  particular tools or software, it may be best to check whether the freelancer uses these too or has an understanding of them. Check out their profile to see if they are listed or make it a point to discuss during  the initial interview.

If they don't currently use them or have the experience, can they quickly get up to speed with your team’s processes and technology, especially when it comes to sharing information and general collaboration.

What do previous clients say about them?

If the freelancer has recommendations, review them, as they could give you a good understanding of what they are like to work with, the quality of work they deliver and their experience.

However, please remember, if a freelancer has limited recommendations or none at all, this doesn't correspond to the quality of work, their experience or level of skill. They may be new to YJ and are experts within their field.

Instead review their work history to see where they have worked before, Are the brands in the same area and have they been verified?

If they have a portfolio or website, don't forget to check it out, as this could include further testimonials and recommendations.

Make use of the Talent Team

‍As part of the YunoJuno service, you have access to the Talent Team. Consisting of industry recruiters, not only can they help you find the perfect freelancer, they can help with the end to end process of writing and posting your brief - at no extra cost!

Join today, and see how the Talent Team can help
AspectEmployeeIndependent Contractor
Control and supervisionDirect control over how, when, and where to workFreedom to set their own schedules and methods
PaymentRegular wages; taxes withheld by employerPaid per project; responsible for their own taxes
BenefitsHealth insurance, retirment plans, paid leaveMust arrange their own benefits
TerminationOften requires notice and may include severanceCan usually be terminated at any time without benefits
Tools and equipmentProvided by the employerTypically use their own tools

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