The future of work

10 predictions for the contingent workforce in 2023

10 Predictions for the Contingent Workforce in 2023
Kat Shepherd
Kat Shepherd
January 12, 2023
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Welcome to YunoJuno's predictions for 2023! As we look towards the future, we are excited to share our insights on the trends we believe will shape the contingent workforce in the coming year.  These trends reflect our outlook on the opportunities that the future of work brings, and we believe that they will have a huge impact on how businesses and individuals approach work.

From the continued growth of the freelance economy to the increasing importance of skills development, these trends represent the diverse, ever-dynamic nature of the contingent workforce.

Here are a few things to keep an eye on when it comes to the world of work in 2023.

1. Remote work isn’t going away

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that many roles can be done remotely, and companies will continue to offer flexible work arrangements long after the pandemic. A survey conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management in 2021 found that 85% of respondents said their company had implemented some form of remote work due to the pandemic, and that 69% of respondents expected their company to continue offering some form of remote work after the pandemic.

This is great news for employees who have discovered the benefits of remote work. They can now continue to enjoy a better work-life balance, increased productivity and reduced stress. Moreover, the ability to work remotely has opened up new opportunities for people who may not have been able to work in an office setting due to location, disability or other reasons. Remote work has also had a positive impact on the environment by reducing the need for daily commutes. Companies that offer remote work options will attract a more diverse and skilled workforce and will see a reduction in turnover and absenteeism.

2. The freelance revolution is here

The gig economy and freelance work are expected to continue growing as technology makes it easier for individuals to connect with clients and find work. A report from the World Economic Forum published in 2021 found that the freelance economy is expected to continue growing in the coming years.

On YunoJuno, there was a 72% increase in marketplace bookings from Q3 to Q4 in 2022—a testament to this freelance revolution.

This new work style offers an unprecedented level of freedom and flexibility for workers. People can now pick and choose the projects they want to work on, which align with their passion, skills and goals. They can also have more control over their income, and have the possibility of earning more than they would in a traditional job.

This flexibility allows people to pursue side hustles, start a business, or go back to school while keeping their income steady. This work style also allows companies to tap into a global pool of skilled workers who can bring new ideas, perspectives, and unique skills to their projects.

3. Hybrid careers will become more common

Many workers will adopt a hybrid approach to their careers, combining traditional employment with freelance or gig work in order to have greater control over their schedules and workloads. A survey conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management in 2021 found that 45% of respondents had pursued freelance work in addition to their full-time job, and 29% of respondents had pursued freelance work as their primary source of income.

This new hybrid career model is a win-win for both employees and employers. Companies get access to a more flexible workforce, which can respond quickly to changing business needs and have access to a broader range of skill sets.

For employees, it allows them to have the stability and benefits of a traditional role while also having the freedom and flexibility of freelance work. They can now achieve a better work-life balance and have multiple streams of income. This way of working also allows employees to develop new skills and try out different job roles, which can help them grow both professionally and personally.

4. Skills development will be crucial

In a rapidly changing job market, it's important for workers to continuously develop their skills and stay up to date with emerging technologies and best practices in their field.

In 2023, companies will be looking for workers who can hit the ground running and add value to their operations from day one. The demand for workers with highly specialised skills and knowledge will be higher than ever before. To stay competitive in this new job market, workers will need to continuously develop their skills and stay up to date with emerging technologies and best practices in their field. To tap into this upskilled workforce, employers might have to prepare to revise their freelance rates upwards.

Skills development is a positive trend for employees, as it gives them the opportunity to upskill and advance their careers. This means that there will be more opportunities for workers to gain new skills and certifications, either through traditional education or online learning platforms. Employers will also be more willing to invest in the development of their contingent workforce, as they recognise the value of skilled and adaptable on-tap talent. The future looks bright for those who invest in their own professional development.

5. The "Great Resignation" will become even more prevalent

The "Great Resignation" refers to the idea that workers will increasingly choose to leave their jobs for personal or professional reasons rather than sticking with a job that doesn't align with their values or goals. A survey conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management in 2021 found that 60% of respondents had left a job for personal or professional reasons within the past five years, and 44% of respondents said they had left a job specifically because it didn't align with their values or goals.

This new trend means that more people are taking control of their own career paths, and choosing jobs that align with their values and goals. This can lead to greater job satisfaction, motivation, and productivity. Companies that foster a positive and fulfilling work culture will attract and retain more talented employees, as people are more likely to stay in jobs that align with their values and goals. In the long run, this shift towards greater alignment between personal and professional values will lead to a more motivated, engaged, and productive workforce.

6. "Quiet Quitting" isn’t just a buzzy phrase

"Quiet Quitting" refers to the phenomenon of employees disengaging from their work and becoming less productive without formally quitting their job. This trend may be driven by factors such as work-related stress, a lack of job satisfaction, or a lack of opportunities for growth and development. A report from Gallup published in 2021 found that 70% of U.S. workers were "not engaged" or "actively disengaged" in their jobs and that this lack of engagement was correlated with higher levels of absenteeism and turnover.

The trend of "Quiet Quitting" highlights the importance for companies to foster a positive and fulfilling work culture. This means providing opportunities for growth and development, promoting work-life balance, and addressing issues related to stress and job satisfaction. By addressing these issues, companies can improve employee engagement, reduce turnover, and increase productivity. This shift towards a more positive and fulfilling work culture will lead to a more productive workforce, which in turn will benefit both employees and employers.

7. Diverse and inclusive teams will be a priority

There is a growing recognition of the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace, and it's expected that companies will continue to focus on building diverse and inclusive teams. A survey conducted by Glassdoor in 2021 found that 63% of respondents considered diversity, equity, and inclusion to be an important factor when evaluating job offers.

Diverse and inclusive teams are a blessing for everyone. They lead to better problem-solving, creativity, and innovation, which in turn improves the bottom line. They also create a more positive and equitable work environment where everyone can thrive. Hiring companies that value and promote diversity and inclusion will attract a more diverse and skilled workforce, which will give them a competitive edge in the marketplace.

8. The use of automation and artificial intelligence will increase

As technology advances, it is expected that the use of automation and artificial intelligence will become more widespread in the workplace. This trend may lead to the automation of certain tasks and the creation of new jobs that require expertise in these technologies.

The integration of automation and artificial intelligence in the workplace can bring huge benefits, such as increased efficiency, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness. However, it also means that employees will need to upskill and adapt to the new technological landscape. This presents an opportunity for employees to learn new skills and take on more challenging and fulfilling roles.

It’s also an opportunity for companies to focus on building a more efficient and sustainable work environment, allowing their employees to focus on more high-value work that requires creativity, innovation and critical thinking.

9. There’s a rise in hiring generalists over specialists

At YunoJuno, we've seen a clear trend of companies looking to hire generalists over specialists in recent years. This is reflected in the increased demand for freelancers in a variety of disciplines across our platform. According to our data, the most in-demand disciplines on YunoJuno increased quarter on quarter in Q4 were Marketing (267%), Project Management (176%), Strategy (92%), UX (77%), Creative (70%), Design (68%) and Development (43%).

These statistics demonstrate the growing demand for generalists who can take on multiple roles and bring a wide range of skills to the table. Companies are looking for people who can handle a variety of tasks, from marketing to project management and client services. They want people who can think strategically and creatively, and who can handle data and design as well.

These trends are in line with the shift towards more agile and adaptable teams, as companies look to stay competitive in a tech-influenced business landscape. By hiring generalists, they can quickly bring in the expertise they need to handle different tasks, without the cost and complexity of hiring specialists for each role.

We're seeing this trend firsthand, as more and more companies turn to our platform to find the generalist freelancers they need to build the agile teams they need to succeed.

10. Companies will be mindful when it comes to mental health

The pandemic made it crystal clear how crucial mental health and well-being is. As a result, companies are putting more focus on supporting their employee's mental well-being. A World Health Organisation report from 2021 found that the pandemic has had a severe impact on people's mental health globally and it's important for companies to prioritise their employee's mental well-being.

This can take the form of resources like mental health benefits, flexible work arrangements and stress management training. It's important to understand that mental health concerns are not limited to traditional employees and that freelancers and gig workers are just as susceptible. Many of them experience the same stress and mental health issues as traditional employees, but may also face additional challenges such as lack of job security, social isolation and uncertainty. Therefore, it is crucial that the same support and resources available to traditional employees, such as mental health benefits and stress management training, should be extended to them as well. It may be beneficial for companies to provide platforms for freelancers to connect and share resources and support each other.

In Conclusion

The future of work holds exciting possibilities and opportunities.

Remote work, freelancing, hybrid careers, and the focus on skills development are all trends that will empower employees to take control of their own careers and lead more fulfilling lives.

The emphasis on diversity and inclusion, the shift towards a more positive and fulfilling work culture, and the integration of automation and artificial intelligence will bring huge benefits to companies and employees alike.

However, it's important to note that these changes also come with challenges and requires a continuous effort to adapt and upskill. With the right mindset, employees and companies can thrive in 2023 and beyond, by embracing the future of work.

Platforms like YunoJuno are making it easier for companies to access elite talent in a market saturated with low-cost but low-quality work, by providing a curated selection of high-quality candidates, and all-in-one freelancer management tools. Join YunoJuno and unlock access to the talent you need, when you need it.

AspectEmployeeIndependent Contractor
Control and supervisionDirect control over how, when, and where to workFreedom to set their own schedules and methods
PaymentRegular wages; taxes withheld by employerPaid per project; responsible for their own taxes
BenefitsHealth insurance, retirment plans, paid leaveMust arrange their own benefits
TerminationOften requires notice and may include severanceCan usually be terminated at any time without benefits
Tools and equipmentProvided by the employerTypically use their own tools

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